Well, I forgot my Knork.
My right hand is defunct and I eat with utensils on my left hand. The normal fork is cumbersome at best. The knife slices meat, such as chicken, steak and fish, but what about fork? Before the stroke, I'm a two-handed person; a knife and fork. The chicken or the egg? Clearly, it changed.
The Knork tines created a beveled edge to cut through foods, kind of a rocking design. A frequently asked question, "The finger platform provides comfort and leverage while using the fork to cut." The utensil was appropriate for the right or left hand. It's a built-in system with a fork and knife. It's pretty cool.
I put the Knork in my purse or pocket for pizza, ad-hoc dinner and snackies. Dishwasher safe.
Check it out. This is a good deal.