By now, Frank and I were married, and Jeffrey is in the womb. It was 1969, and I was exceedingly pregnant, with Neil Armstrong orbiting on the moon in July 20 and a gallon of gas was $.35 cents.
I was ten days late, cranky and the feet is a distant memory protruding over my immense belly. Jeffrey was 8 lb. 1 oz., he howled all the time, and the nurses said he never closed his eyes. He was an alert baby, born August 12.
I had a strange taste in my mouth, probably the anesthetic. No big deal. That's not good for baby, I reasoned. Bad breath is not good. I gargled and rinsed and brushed my teeth. But the odor was there; kind of a metallic funky taste.
Mercury was there, lurking. I didn't know it at the time. I was 21 years old and I never heard of mercury. The mercury passes to the fetus and the placenta; hence eczema. It's toxic, every organ, for example, the brain, kidneys, heart and skin, it stays there. My mouth is a vessel, teeming with mercury and approximately, 60% amalgam fillings. That's a lot of mercury.
At two weeks, Jeff was a skinny baby. He was a bottle baby and regurgitated half as much milk. The mouth, eyes and ears were crusted and he cried all the time. I called Dr. Pascal Spino, Greensburg, Pa. Waiting is a chore, sometimes hours on end in the waiting room. The children were colicky, croupy, cranky and mom's were exhausted. Dr. Spino is the best pediatrician in southwestern Pennsylvania. He worked tirelessly.
"The baby has eczema," Dr. Spino said, "see the elbow's and knees?," indicating.
Sure enough, the eczema is everywhere.
"But I don't understand. My husband and I never had eczema," I said.
Frank was illegitimate, so he never had a dad. The family history was sketchy, but the oozing, scaling and weeping of eczema was nil.
Jeffrey had a milk allergy, Dr. Spino said. Jeff's eyes, ears and mouth were crusted, and the knees and elbows are inflamed. I mixed some Prosobee, is a soy-base product, and waited. Nothing. I called Dr. Spino yet again.
"It's been two weeks. The eczema is worse," I explained to the nurse.
Dr. Spino called Dr. Martin Murcek, an allergist in Greensburg, Pa., and he explained the situation; namely, a very scaly baby.
Jeff had golf-ball eyes crusted with ooze, profound itching and scaly skin with strips of baby feet peeled away with dermis. Not pretty. He was two. The itching was so bad, he wore mittens I gave him to ease the pain. Kenalog cream helped, but it was a corticosteroid. He had a gamete of allergies, from trees, grasses, dust mites and milk.
Jeff is 49 now. He graduated from Penn State University at State College and he is in Operations Management. He works for McDonald's Corporation for 20 years and every spring and fall the dreaded eczema appears. Every so often the obsessive-compulsive disorder rears it's grave head. The actions repetitive, ritualistic and compulsive.
Frank (recently deceased) and I never had eczema. The family history indicates no eczema. Genetic? I don't know.
It's all connected.
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